Hot Lunch on Mondays and Wednesdays:
Served by Calhoun’s Catering
Ordering for Hot Lunch is available. As a reminder, orders should be placed by 11:59pm on two days prior to the actual hot lunch day:
For Monday hot lunch, please place your order by Saturday 11:59PM.
For Wednesday hot lunch, please place your order by Monday 11:59PM.
Please order online at
Each division will receive their own container.
Lunches are individually packaged and labeled for each student.
To be environmentally friendly, please bring your own cutlery should you require it.
A portion of your order goes to supporting the PAC. Thank you!
How to Register for Munch a lunch:
Click the “Register Here” button. The system will guide you through.
Please make sure to enter correct division for your child.
After adding your children, click the green “Order Lunch!” button to order
Next time, just click the “Login Here” button to access your account.
How to Order:
After registration, click the green "Order Lunch" at the top of the page.
You can choose to order for all dates, a month, a week or just a day. After all the selection(s) have been made, press "Go to Last Menu", then hit "Finished". This will prompt you to the next page to finalize your order and process online payment.
As mentioned above, keep in mind that Monday's order needs to be placed by Saturday 11:59pm. Wednesday's order needs to be in by Monday 11:59pm.
Pizza Lunch on Fridays
Emily Carr PAC is fundraising for the yearly Grade 7 camping trip! Orders are from Fresh slice and are delivered to the school in time for lunch.
Pizza slices must be ordered in advance. Orders should be placed before 11:59pm each Tuesday. Fresh Slice can't accept late orders or cash.
For a Friday pizza lunch, please place your order by Tuesday 11:59pm.
Please order online at
Pizza slice options are: Pepperoni, Cheese, Veggie, Vegan
The optional items will show up on your student's School Cash account (initially just the Fridays until December). Please purchase it only if you want pizza for your student for the date in the title.
If your student is absent on a Friday that you've already paid for, we cannot issue refunds. You are welcome to come pick up your order at the school office from 12:30 to 3:10. Any pizzas unclaimed by 3:10 will be given to staff members. Thank you for your understanding.
Thank you for supporting the Grade 7's trip!